Reshuffle of the Government in relation to the Defence and Internal Security portfolios

On the proposal of the Prime Minister, H.R.H. the Grand Duke reorganised the ministerial portfolios. ​


The ministerial portfolios of Defence and Internal Security will be distributed as follows: François Bausch, Deputy Prime Minister, will keep the portfolios of Mobility and Public Works and that of Defence, and Henri Kox will take full responsibility for Internal Security, alongside Housing. ​

As a result, the two ministers will conduct their respective ministries on their own; there will no longer be a minister delegate.

This reshuffle will allow both ministers to have a better division of their competencies and to focus more on their respective areas.

François Bausch exercised his mandate as Minister of Internal Security with great pleasure. He thanks the entire Ministry, as well as the entire Grand-Ducal Police corps and the General Police Inspectorate for their dedication and commitment.

According to Henri Kox, having held the position of Minister Delegate for Internal Security since 11 October 2019 has enabled him to familiarise himself with the various dimensions of police management and the General Police Inspectorate. ​ Henri Kox declared his determination to continue to make progress on the current dossiers with the utmost assiduity, in particular the massive recruitment within the police force, the modernisation of police infrastructures and the implementation of the overhaul of the grand-ducal police files initiated by François Bausch. ​

A draft bill on this subject will be submitted to the Government Council in September 2020.


Press release by the Directorate of Defence / Ministry of Internal Security


Member of the Government

  • BAUSCH François
  • KOX Henri



Event date
